April 2013 Issue   
    U.S.     World     Politics     Trade & Finance     Labor     Manufacturing     Economy

Are Imports Really Bad for the Economy and Jobs?

It is generally understood by Members of Congress, journalists and the public that exports are good for the American economy. They generate revenue, are responsible for a significant portion of U.S. economic growth, and contribute to employment. But what about imports?

READ FULL STORY by John Manzella



The Real Cause and Impact of China's Labor Shortage

China continues to suffer a labor shortage in its key coastal manufacturing regions. This is impacting U.S. and companies. But the labor shortage is not due to a lack of available workers. Instead, it's prompted by Chinese government policies. Here's what to do.

READ FULL STORY by Shawn Mahoney


Is Hyperinflation Ahead?

While inflation seems to be on everyone's mind these days, misconceptions abound. Few concepts in economics are as misunderstood as inflation. This article examines several commonly-asked questions about inflation, and other key questions people should be asking.

READ FULL STORY by Steve Hanke


Celtic Future: More Tortoise Than Tiger?

Everyone loves a tiger. Powerful, elegant - yet tricky to manage. Ireland was the Celtic Tiger during the boom years. But now, many economists are looking at the characteristics of a tortoise - slow, controlled, non-violent - as possibly more attractive. Is this the new Ireland?



The Unexpected Lifeblood of U.S. Manufacturing

The ability of U.S. companies to sell into global markets can boost profits by raising revenue and efficiencies. Yet U.S. companies also benefit from the ability to import components, commodities and materials from those same global markets and operate in foreign trade zones.

READ FULL STORY by Daniel Griswold


Korean Tensions Put U.S. Forces Front and Center

Politics in North Korea are ridiculous. One minute the Great Successor Kim Jong-un is cavorting with American basketball great Dennis Rodman and telling President Obama to call. Next, the North Korean Army is threatening to use "lighter and smaller nukes" against the U.S. and South Korea.

READ FULL STORY by Doug Bandow

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World Trade Center Orlando has provided trade services for over twenty years, participating in the greatest growth of global business. Trade has grown from $30 billion in 1989 to over $200 billion in 2011. One needs to ask: am I getting my share? I hope you enjoy this publication. It is one of our efforts in keeping you informed.

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